
The Wrongdoings When Facing Traffic Lights

I am one of many people who go to work with my own vehicle. Well, actually it's my mom's. But since she's not able to drive the car, I'm forced to use it almost everyday. Heheheh...

Anyway, as one of Jakarta citizens, it's an usual thing to go to work in a hurry since the traffic is very crowd. It should be okay if the people obey the traffic order. However, with the busy traffic in the morning and looking others being non-adherent, people are triggered to be the non-adherent one also.

Here is an example. When I drive the car through TB Simatupang street in front of the Point Square that is heading straight to Bintaro, there's an intersection with traffic lights. When the traffic lights show red, all the vehicles should stop, right? Right, the vehicles stop but only for a few minutes when other vehicles from Pondok Indah direction is still running on their maximum speed. If the vehicles from Pondok Indah direction are stopped also by the red light, even the light in front of me is still turn on red, the motorbikes start to go straight heading to Bintaro or turn right heading to Pondok Indah, and stop behind another red light since the vehicles from Bintaro direction to Fatmawati is still moving forwards.

But are there only the motorbikes which are breaking through the red lights? Definitely NO! The cars are doing the same thing. What if there's vehicle that's keeping theirs behind the lines, holding patiently to move forwards before the lights turn from red to green? I'm positive that they can't stand the horn ringing loudly from behind. So, finally they will also move forwards.

One thing which also creates confusion is the policeman actually supports the wrongdoings. When the lights are still turning red but the vehicles from Pondok Indah direction are already stopped, the policeman waves his hand instructing the vehicles from Fatmawati direction to move forwards. Is the policeman stupid or what?

So, in your opinion, which part could be blamed for this wrongdoings? Is it the citizens, including myself? Or is it the police department that fails to instruct its staff to direct the citizens to adhere all the traffic regulations?


Homo Homini Lupus

Does anyone know the phrase? Yep, the phrase is kind of expressing the nature of human, which is a wolf to another. Some of you may agree with this, while some are totally the opposite. How about myself?

In my opinion, this phrase is only fit to the competitive environment. One of the most competitive environment is sport events. It's true that there has to be only one winner in any kind of sport competition. Each person or team needs to explore all his/her/its capability to be the number one. One thing to be remembered is that all participants have to compete in a good manner and present fairness to others. Once there's a cheating, the winner is never to be approved.

Another competitive environment is a contest, for example singing contest. In a singing contest, each singer has to explore his/her voice, so that he/she can sing songs meeting or even beyond the judges' expectation. One thing to be remembered also is all the judges have to give fair rating and also be objective. Once there's no fairness, the spectators will not be satisfy with the results.

How about in daily live? Normally, ideally, we can't approve the condition of "homo homini lupus" to be happened. There has to be symbiotic mutualism in our live. Each person shall help another and shall not kill each other. Thus, we can run our life peacefully and achieve our common goals together.

However, this condition is seldom happened now. Many men and women in every community kick each others' ass down, so that he/she can be the number one. They think if they can reach the highest position, there will be much more profits to be gained. Sometimes they have to take their friends and relatives down to the ground to be the winner.

But is it worth it? Off course the answer will be NO. Why? If a person kick others down, hit them right on their face, smash them hard, plus being unfair to them, even you can achieve the highest position, others won't like and trust him/her anymore. Unfortunately, not many people realize this. They don't think that it's just going to take him/her down once more to the condition where he/she is nothing, sooner or later. Their allies will runaway, leave him/her alone forever.

Although everyone knows this, I don't think that a peaceful life can be achieved in the near future. But once again, who knows that someday there will be someone who can make a wake-up call to all of us, that "homo homini lupus" is not an option to run daily lives.

So, who will be the wake-up call guy/girl? :D


3 Tahun Lamanya...

3 tahun lamanya acara besar itu digelar...
3 tahun lamanya pula saya melihatnya begitu sehat dan bugar...
Ia menyambut para tamu dengan senyum sumringahnya...
Sambil berdiri berdampingan dengan sang pendamping hidup...

Tak disangka tak dinyana...
Itu merupakan acara besar terakhir yang dihadirinya...
Di acara besar lainnya, ia tak akan lagi mampu berdampingan dengan sang pendamping hidupnya..
Setelah jasadnya menyerah pada kehendak Sang Kuasa...

Hari ini saya mengunjunginya untuk kesekian kalinya...
Cukup saya sendiri yang berkunjung hari ini...
Saya bersyukur tempat tinggalnya saat ini terawat rapi...
Semoga ia selalu mendapatkan tempat terbaik di sisi-Nya...

*In memoriam, AGS...


Cerita (2-1)

Sesampainya di depan pagar rumah berwarna hijau gelap, tangan kiri Anda merogoh salah satu kantong di bagian dalam tas punggungnya. Dalam sekejap, kedua tangannya bekerja untuk membuka gembok yang mengunci pagar rumah tersebut. Anda berusaha agar dirinya hanya menciptakan sejumlah kecil suara agar penghuni di dalam rumah tersebut tidak terbangun dari mimpi indahnya. Dengan sekejap pula, kedua tangannya mengembalikan keadaan pagar rumah dalam keadaan terkunci seperti semula.

Perlahan Anda melangkahkan kedua kakinya menuju pintu depan rumah. Sekali lagi, kali ini dengan tangan kanan, ia dengan cepat memasukkan anak kunci ke dalam lubang, memutarnya ke arah kanan hingga terdengar dua kali suara slot pintu bergeser. Anda dengan perlahan pula melangkah masuk ke dalam rumah dan dengan cepat mengunci pintu rumah tersebut dari dalam.

Namun, belum sampai lima langkah menuju kamar tidurnya, Anda dikejutkan dengan lampu yang tiba-tiba menyala. Seorang anak laki-laki berumur lima tahun berdiri di depannya sambil kedua tangannya menyangga sepiring kue tart kecil dengan sebatang kecil lilin menyala di atasnya. Tak lama setelah itu, terdengar nyanyian seorang wanita.

"Selamat ulang tahun, kami bahagia
Selamat panjang umur, kita 'kan doakan
Selamat sejahtera, sehat sentosa
Selamat panjang umur dan bahagia"

"Selamat ulang tahun, Ayah!" ucap anak laki-laki kecil pembawa kue tart tadi.

Anda berdiri terpaku sejenak, merasakan keharuan yang datang tiba-tiba. Ia berjongkok di depan anak laki-laki itu, lalu menyunggingkan bibirnya untuk tersenyum.

Anda membalas ucapan anak laki-laki itu, "Makasih, ya, Rasyid. Kamu emang anak Ayah yang paling pinter."

Anda mengambil piring kue tart yang dipegang anaknya, kemudian meletakkannya di atas meja yang ada persis di sebelahnya. Kedua tangannya lalu menggendong Rasyid, kemudian diciuminya pipi kiri dan kanan anak itu.

"Siapa dulu, dong, ayahnya," ujar Rasyid.

Wanita yang tadinya hanya menyaksikan adegan haru tersebut lalu berkata, "Ayah sama anak sama pinternya. Selamat ulang tahun, Nak."

Anda mendongakkan kepalanya ke arah suara itu, kemudian segera berdiri dan menghampiri wanita itu untuk memeluknya.

"Makasih, Bu," kata Anda kepada wanita tadi.




Ketika waktu mencabik-cabik jaman
Tak ada yang bisa dilakukan
Toh kita tak ada asa untuk menghentikan waktu
Kita pun tak sanggup jua memutarbalikkan waktu

Yang bisa kita lakukan
Hanyalah dengan tetap menjaga tiga jenis hubungan kita

Hubungan dengan Sang Maha Segala-galanya,
Hubungan dengan sesama manusia,
Dan hubungan dengan sesama makhluk hidup apa pun bentuknya