
"WorldWalk - Peacetour" Blog

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Blackberry, Needs Or Wants?

Blackberry. Who doesn't know this stuff nowadays? Yes, it's a smart phone that enable its owner to be contacted anytime. This device is able to support many wireless information services, such as push e-mail, mobile telephone, text messaging, web browsing, etc. Blackberry is also completed with personal organizer application like calendar, to-do list, and address book.

The owner of this smart phone can send and receive e-mail anytime and anywhere. Of course this concludes the condition when the phone can access a wireles network of certain cellular phone carriers. That's why it seems like the owner can be contacted anytime and anywhere.

Blackberry is also completed with instant messaging application. With a Blackberry, the user can chat between each other via Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, or Skype. This os why the user seems like he/she is always on line all the time.

In Indonesia, especially in Jakarta (I don't know with other cities), it's like almost everyone has a Blackberry. When you are in a shopping center, perhaps 2 of 5 people hold Blackberry on their hands. They don't even be bothered with their surroundings. Sometimes you will see them laughing by theirselves. No, they are not crazy. They are chatting with their friends via their Blackberry (what is the plural form of Blackberry actually? Blackberries?? Since I am confused, I'll use the single form).

What is Blackberry created for? First, it was made by RIM (Research In Motion, a Canadian company) by concentrating on e-mail. So, actually this smart phone is much more suitable for professionals or businessmen rather than, in example, for teenagers. But today, it seems like everyone in town can't be aparted from Blackberry. Even teenagers and housewives have Blackberry, without knowing what exactly all the capabilities this smart phone has. Having and using Blackberry become everyone's lifestyle. People suddenly become Blackberry addicts.

Actually, I don't feel bothered with this situation. But when I see people anywhere hold their Blackberry in their hand, only to chat with their friends, I start questioning myself, "Are they sick people? When are they going to enjoy life out there in the real world?"

This afternoon, in a family gathering, my family had a little discussion about Blackberry. My uncle said, "Indonesia is a poor country. But based on a research, a unit of Blackberry is sold in every minute."

Okay, I admit that I agree with what he said. The rich people become richer and the poor become the opposite. I wonder if the rich people have Blackberry, do they really need it? Have they ever thought about giving some of their belongings to the poor? Do they pay luxuriant taxes (if Blackberry can be concluded as a luxury thing)?

Even my cousin (I never thought she would say this) said, "Blackberry makes the people aparted become closer. But it also creates distances between people that are not too far away aparted."

Yep! This, I admit, is a fact too. When Blackberry becomes a lifestyle, the owner will usually use it for chatting with his/her friends anytime and anywhere. It won't be a problem if they chat with their colleagues or their aparted friends. But sometimes, when there's a gathering, and some of people in it have Blackberry, they still chat with others via Blackberry. Is that what you call a gathering, when everyone is busy with their Blackberry?

So, first, if you plan to buy a Blackberry, or other similar stuffs like IPhone and some Nokia N-series, you have to ask yourself, whether you really need this smart phone or you just envy your friends. Second, if you already have it, please use the device wisely (only when you need it) because it can make you a Blackberry addict, in a negative meaning.


Kisah Bu Rina, Rani, dan Mbok Inah

"Inaaaaaah!" Rani berteriak memanggil pembantu rumahnya yang sudah berusia paruh baya.

Mbok Inah yang sedang memasak di dapur ternyata tidak mendengar teriakan anak kecil berumur 6 tahun itu.

Tak lama kemudian Rani memanggil lagi, kali ini lebih kencang, "Inaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Kali ini Mbok Inah mendengar Rani memanggilnya dan menyahut, "Iya, Neng.. sebentar."

Mbok Inah berlari tergopoh-gopoh menghampiri anak majikannya itu.

"Ada apa, toh, Neng?" Mbok Inah bertanya kepada Rani sambil tersenyum.

"Pakein sepatu!" Rani menyuruh Mbok Inah sambil berteriak.

"Iya, Neng," jawab Mbok Inah, masih dengan wajah tersenyum.

Dengan sabar, Mbok Inah memakaikan sepasang sepatu hitam bertali ke kedua kaki Rani yang tidak berhenti bergoyang. Ia tampak kesusahan mengikatkan tali sepatu itu dengan benar. Pekerjaan yang seharusnya dapat dilakukan tidak lebih dari 5 menit menjadi lebih lama 5 menit pula.

Karena tidak sabar, Rani pun menghardik Mbok Inah, "Lama banget, sih, Nah!"

Mbok Inah, masih berusaha tersenyum, menjawab, "Kalau kaki Neng Rani ga' goyang-goyang pasti bisa lebih cepet, deh."

Namun, bukannya berhenti, goyangan kaki Rani malah menjadi lebih kencang.

Melihat kejadian itu, Bu Rina menghampiri anak perempuannya dan Mbok Inah.

"Mbok," kata Bu Rina, "Sudah, Mbok, biar saya aja yang memakaikan sepatu Rani. Mbok lanjutin aja masak di dapurnya."

"Iya, Bu," jawab Mbok Inah patuh.

Bu Rina mendekati anak perempuan satu-satunya itu, kemudian duduk bersimpuh di depannya dan mulai membuat bentuk pita dari tali sepatu anaknya itu.

"Rani, di sekolah diajarin teriak-teriak ga sama bu guru?" tanya Bu Rina pada anaknya.

Rani menjawab pertanyaan ibunya, "Nggak, Bu."

"Terus, Rani belajar teriak-teriak kaya tadi dari mana kalau begitu?"

Ditanya seperti itu, Rani bukannya menjawab malah menundukkan kepalanya. Dalam hatinya langsung timbul rasa bersalah.

"Rani salah ya, Bu?" tanya Rani kemudian sambil tetap menundukkan kepalanya.

Bu Rina menyunggingkan bibirnya, kemudian berkata, "Rani, kalau memanggil orang lain itu harus sopan, apalagi orang yang lebih tua. Jangan teriak-teriak kaya tadi."

"Tapi tadi Inah, kan, nggak denger waktu Rani panggil."

"Tapi nggak berarti harus teriak-teriak, kan? Rani, kan, bisa nyamperin Mbok Inah ke dapur."

Kali ini Rani mendongakkan kepalanya untuk menatap ibunya sambil tersenyum dan berkata, "Maafin Rani, ya, Bu. Lain kali Rani bakal ngelakuin apa kata ibu, deh."

"Nah, gitu dong," kata Bu Rina sambil mengelus-elus kepala Rani. "Itu baru namanya anak Ibu."

Rani langsung memeluk ibunya, kemudian berkata lagi, "Maafin Rani, ya, Bu."

"Iya, Nak, nggak apa-apa. Satu lagi, Rani. Kalau memanggil Mbok Inah juga jangan cuma namanya aja. Panggil 'Mbok Inah' lebih baik, Nak."

"Kenapa, Bu, emangnya?"

"Karena Mbok Inah jauh lebih tua daripada Rani. Ibu juga kalau manggil pake sebutan 'Mbok'. Lebih sopan, Nak."
"Iya, Bu. Mulai sekarang Rani bakal manggil Mbok Inah dengan panggilan 'Mbok Inah'."

Bu Rina tersenyum lebar sambil mengelus-elus kepala anaknya. Kemudian, ia mencium kening anaknya itu, lalu memeluknya. Rani pun membalas dengan pelukan yang erat.