
When A Will Comes ...

When there's a will ...
Will you put it into reality?
If the anwer is yes ...
Have you ever consider it before, for a long time?
What are the things that you usually consider when the will comes?
Would it be questions like ...
Is it that important?
Is it what you need?
What will be the benefits?
How much will it cost?

Don't bother. The above writing are just unroutine questions when I'm very confused of some silly (or perhaps not?) things.



melur said...

mau kawin ya mith? :) jangan lupa undang2 ya

Nda said...

hmm, bukannya emang itu lo banget ya,, mikirin saala hal baaaannyyyaakk,, dan lamaaaa,,

Unknown said...

gue nungguin undangan dari lo dulu deh.. menyusul 2 temen qta yg bakal nikah minggu depan.. heheh..

emang dasar gue aja yg plin-plan ya nda? hahahaha! yah, bgitulah saya..