This post is inspired by my friend's post (unfortunately I forget the person who wrote the post).
"Do what you love". Everybody usually picks this quote, right? Even sometimes it's not possible, but who doesn't want to only do what he/she loves? When you do something that you love, you will do it with full of passion and give all your effort to achieve the optimum result. Sometimes you won't mind to do it again.
Why do I say that? Because sometimes I experience it too. For example, when I took part in a sport team, either futsal or basketball, I always feel great. I even don't mind to delay another activity, so I can do it for as long as I want. Not to mean that I don't give a damn to another activity. I just don't want to miss a thing that I love. Heheheh..
But I don't blame people who prefer the quote "Love what you do". There are more challenges when you have to do what you don't really love. Why is that? Because you will need to push yourself harder in order to get great result as you expect. But I'm sure that when you are able to achieve great result in things you don't really love but you have to do, you will be more delightful. Am I right?
In reality, there's no possibility to choose one quote only. There will be things that we love to do and things that we don't really love but have to be done. We may do what we love, but we too have to love what we do. So, despite of what is your choice between both quotes, let's always give our best effort in everything we do. Insya Allah, when there's a God's will, we will be able to achieve great results too. Just keep trying and praying for the best.
hihihi...di, inspired by MJ yah?
aku jg kok di..prefer to do wut I love...makanya aku love wut I do. karena I only do things that I love...bingung ga dgn kata2ku? wkwkwk...tapi dalam banyak hal, kita jg harus love wut we do..biar ikhlas pake stress..jadi barokah :)
kalo gue sih terus terang lebih pro ama yang "do what u love" karena setelahnya "love what u do" bakalan mengikuti.
trust me.
been there.done that.
cheers mitha :) sering2 update ya!
@mei : sepertinya dirimu salah org ya? ini mitha-aliya bukan mitha diah.. heheh..
iya bener dari MJ ya? setuju ama pendapat lo.. semuanya emang musti dilakukan dg ikhlas biar barokah buat qta semua, ga cuma diri ndiri aja..
@melur : "do what you love" itu kerjaan lo yg sekarang ya? heheheh.. not the architecture things, right? so tau ya gue?
tapi kadang klo milih itu dulu, perlu pertimbangin masa depan juga.. terutama dari segi finansial.. agak berat soalnya.. heheh..
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